

A graph that supported directional edges, parallel edges, self-edges and expression data on the nodes and edges.

Warning: modifying the graph if it is contained in a dict or set will invalidate the hash.


Name Description
add_edge Add an edge between the source and target nodes, returning the index of the edge.
add_node Add a node with data data to the graph, returning the index of the node.
canonize Write the graph in a canonical form. Returns the canonized graph, the vertex map, the automorphism group size, and the orbit.
canonize_edges Sort and relabel the edges of the graph, keeping the vertices fixed.
edge Get the idxth edge, consisting of the the source vertex, target vertex, whether the edge is directed, and the data.
generate Generate all connected graphs with external_edges half-edges and the given allowed list
is_isomorphic Check if the graph is isomorphic to another graph.
node Get the idxth node, consisting of the edge indices and the data.
num_edges Get the number of edges in the graph.
num_loops Get the number of loops in the graph.
num_nodes Get the number of nodes in the graph.
set_directed Set the directed status of the edge at index index, returning the old value.
set_edge_data Set the data of the edge at index index, returning the old data.
set_node_data Set the data of the node at index index, returning the old data.
to_dot Convert the graph to a graphviz dot string.
to_mermaid Convert the graph to a mermaid string.


Graph.add_edge(source, target, directed=False, data=None)

Add an edge between the source and target nodes, returning the index of the edge.

Optionally, the edge can be set as directed. The default data is the number 0.



Add a node with data data to the graph, returning the index of the node. The default data is the number 0.



Write the graph in a canonical form. Returns the canonized graph, the vertex map, the automorphism group size, and the orbit.



Sort and relabel the edges of the graph, keeping the vertices fixed.



Get the idxth edge, consisting of the the source vertex, target vertex, whether the edge is directed, and the data.


Graph.generate(_cls, external_nodes, vertex_signatures, max_vertices=None, max_loops=None, max_bridges=None, allow_self_edges=False)

Generate all connected graphs with external_edges half-edges and the given allowed list of vertex connections.

Returns the canonical form of the graph and the size of its automorphism group (including edge permutations).


>>> from symbolica import *
>>> g, q, qb, gh, ghb = S('g', 'q', 'qb', 'gh', 'ghb')
>>> Graph.generate([(1, g), (2, g)],
>>>                 [[g, g, g], [g, g, g, g],
>>>                  [q, qb, g], [gh, ghb, g]], max_loops=2)
>>> for (g, sym) in graphs.items():
>>>     print(f'Symmetry factor = 1/{sym}:')
>>>     print(g.to_dot())

generates all connected graphs up to 2 loops with the specified vertices.


Name Type Description Default
external_nodes Sequence[tuple[Expression | int, Expression | int]] The external edges, consisting of a tuple of the node data and the edge data. If the node data is the same, flip symmetries will be recongized. required
vertex_signatures Sequence[Sequence[Expression | int]] The allowed connections for each vertex. required
max_vertices Optional[int] The maximum number of vertices in the graph. None
max_loops Optional[int] The maximum number of loops in the graph. None
max_bridges Optional[int] The maximum number of bridges in the graph. None
allow_self_edges bool Whether self-edges are allowed. False



Check if the graph is isomorphic to another graph.



Get the idxth node, consisting of the edge indices and the data.



Get the number of edges in the graph.



Get the number of loops in the graph.



Get the number of nodes in the graph.


Graph.set_directed(index, directed)

Set the directed status of the edge at index index, returning the old value.


Graph.set_edge_data(index, data)

Set the data of the edge at index index, returning the old data.


Graph.set_node_data(index, data)

Set the data of the node at index index, returning the old data.



Convert the graph to a graphviz dot string.



Convert the graph to a mermaid string.