Symbolica expression classes
Expression | A Symbolica expression. |
Transformer | Operations that transform an expression. |
TermStreamer | A term streamer that can handle large expressions, by |
Series | A series expansion class. |
Evaluator | An optimized evaluator of an expression. |
CompiledEvaluator | An compiled evaluator of an expression. This will give the highest performance of |
PatternRestriction | A restriction on wildcards. |
AtomType | Specifies the type of the atom. |
AtomTree | A Python representation of a Symbolica expression. |
Symbolica polynomial classes
Polynomial | A Symbolica polynomial with rational coefficients. |
IntegerPolynomial | A Symbolica polynomial with integer coefficients. |
FiniteFieldPolynomial | A Symbolica polynomial with finite field coefficients. |
NumberFieldPolynomial | A Symbolica polynomial with rational coefficients. |
RationalPolynomial | A Symbolica rational polynomial. |
FiniteFieldRationalPolynomial | A Symbolica rational polynomial. |
Linear algebra
Linear algebra classes
Matrix | A matrix with rational polynomial coefficients. |
Graph theory
Graph theory classes
Graph | A graph that supported directional edges, parallel edges, self-edges and expression data on the nodes and edges. |
Numerical integration
Numerical integration classes
NumericalIntegrator | A numerical integrator for high-dimensional integrals. |
Sample | A sample from the Symbolica integrator. It could consist of discrete layers, |
RandomNumberGenerator | A reproducible, fast, non-cryptographic random number generator suitable for parallel Monte Carlo simulations. |
Miscellaneous functions
S | Shorthand notation for :func:Expression.symbol . |
N | Shorthand notation for :func:Expression.symbol . |
E | Shorthand notation for :func:Expression.parse . |
get_version | Get the current Symbolica version. |
is_licensed | Check if the current Symbolica instance has a valid license key set. |
set_license_key | Set the Symbolica license key for this computer. Can only be called before calling any other Symbolica functions. |
request_hobbyist_license | Request a key for non-professional use for the user name , that will be sent to the e-mail address |
request_trial_license | Request a key for a trial license for the user name working at company , that will be sent to the e-mail address |
request_sublicense | Request a sublicense key for the user name working at company that has the site-wide license super_license . |
get_license_key | Get the license key for the account registered with the provided email address. |